Thursday, September 13, 2012

Another Freedom Loss - "We know better than you and will force you to comply movement"

Only two days away from the 9/11 anniversary where, "let freedom ring and America is the greatest place on earth" type of rhetoric was spewed in the name of remembering or "never forget" what happened.  Then out of nowhere we get another freedom of choice taken away.  It may seem trivial on the surface although the depth is so significant people should be in the street protesting.  In NYC you can no longer buy a high caloric soda over 16 oz in size.  This is another step along the path of "we know better than you and will force you to comply movement"

Associated Press states, "New York City also has barred artificial trans fats from restaurant food and taken aggressive steps to discourage smoking. Starting this month, dozens of city hospitals are asking mothers of newborns to listen to talks about why they should breast-feed instead of using formula." 

It is so contradictory to say in one breath that we are the land of the free and the greatest place on earth and in the other breath say you can not have personal choice.  America is the land of the "big contradiction", simply you are free because we say so and those of you who discount this need to do your homework.  This does not happen over night but slowly and methodically until all of a sudden another freedom is gone.  All of this is done in the name of "we know better" and in the "public's best interest" and these are cousins to the famous "because they can afford it" when it comes to stealing from the top producers and money makers.

This new regulation is coming from a city where the crane inspectors where on the take, and due to a lack of appropriate inspection cranes fell on 2nd Ave area killing people.

Do be fair let's take their argument and break it down.  They believe that obese people are victims of the large size soda cup and if they take the cup away then the obese person will automatically stop drinking those extra ounces.  Hmmmm similar to prohibition (yeah that worked and everyone stopped cold turkey) and marijuana bans which is clearly not working.  Okay let's give it a deeper look because phase two of this is related to health care.  They believe that obese people are a burden on the health care system which takes tax dollars to cover the bill.  So this is there thinking, give away badly managed health care and then force people to be healthy by limiting the amount of soda they can buy.

Better idea is to create a system of personal responsibility such as; pay your own health care bills, take care of your own body and live with the consequences of your choices.  As a parent you should lead by example and manage your children's intake of soda and other high fat or caloric foods and drinks.

This is a basic and critical difference in philosophy that spreads to every aspect of life and our freedoms as American's and humans in general.  As an American you are to have the right to your own life which includes how large a soda you would like to have at any given moment.  As a human you have the right to choose the path of your life and you were not born to the collective society that is destined to take care of you.

The purpose of America was to create a place where you could be born as a human irregardless of financial background or color of your skin and choose your life path.  The number one tenant to that being you have to let all others do the same.  What is so hard about this?  Why do "THEY" feel so compelled to control others decisions?  Ask any child learning how to survive and thrive in this world and they will say "that is dumb why can't people decide for themselves?"

I think Bloomberg and the life should use their own wealth and energy to promote their own agendas.  This guys agenda is classic and so contradictory in nature that I don't see how he can remember what his position is.  Check it out on

The great thing about America is you have the right to put together a fund that educates or helps others.  Stop taking away freedom by using your political powers and use your success to educate and empower others.  Force only works temporarily and education lives forever but ultimately the greatest freedom in America is the right to do what you want despite the education you have received.  Oh by the way that is where all the great people and innovations have come from.  An individual believing in the possibility of a different way and seeing it through to greatness despite what others (including the government) believe.

Anything is Possible and Everything Matters especially Freedom of Choice....

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