Thursday, November 8, 2012

Principles, Politics, Priorities and Plans

Goal based decision is how choices are made.

Some goals are more forward facing and obvious and others are behind the scene and less obvious, even to the choice maker them selves.  Many of these choices are just labeled as habits that are reflective of a choice made long ago that is rarely changed, addressed or challenged.  This is why many people really don't change unless a life changing event happens that surfaces many of those "habit choices".

The title of this blog is Principles, Politics, Priorities and Plans and as you can see in all of those 4 P's we all have many choices.  We can all agree that many choices in those categories are very much predetermined by some prior choice we made long ago that may or may not be based on validity, truth or fact.

So what do we need?  A life changing event of course.  Things like 9/11 was a huge life changing event for many even outside the rubble or far removed from the personal loss and death.  You see the first World Trade Center attack didn't move very many because it wasn't life changing.  The second and more successful attack was in many ways for many people.

Many of the things that are affecting and challenging us today were events that happened gradually in a habit forming type of way.  Gradually the national and personal debt had risen to the point of out of control, the housing market prices continued to soar, the personal liberties and personal choice slowly slip away, a loaf of bread prices 30% higher and so on.

When things are gradual we adapt and justify based on our personal goals, principles and priorities until a breaking point is reached.  The main challenge is that the breaking point is so subjective and unknown while the gradual slipping happens.  Then all of a sudden you as an individual, family, business, organization, government or society are smacked right in the face with it.  Such as the housing bubble and the debt bubble which the affects still have not surfaced yet.  This is because the society and government have gradually propped up the affects of the crash.  Therefore the pain has really only been gradually felt and when that happens we are not really forced to change due to a life altering event.

When you can make just as much money on extended unemployment as you can at a new start up job offering of 8-10 dollars per hour, why would you go get a job?  When you can sit in your home and not pay rent or mortgage for months and even years knowing at the end of the day your not going to be punished for the failure to pay, why leave your home and start over?  When as a country you can print money, cause inflation, borrow from yourself and pay down your debt with inflated dollars, why stop spending?

What are our principles?
What are the Priorities?
What are the Plans?

Politics will be as usual until something truly life changing happens in politics.  The number one challenge for that to happen is they are all in it together.  Yes they all are in it together because at the end of the day front and center or in the deep reaches of their minds they all want to be re-elected.  They all need people to support them and they all need money to drive their campaigns.  The only event that can happen is a complete reset of the system where we actually follow the constitution where the elected officials are not special and do not get any special treatment.  Where they are held accountable to the overseeing of the constitution and it's principles.

Bottom line the producers must stop producing and go on strike.
The great need to stop propping up the system.

Well that is not going to happen.  It is in the best interest of the rich and well to do that the government works.  They have to much to lose if the looters are able to physically take and plunder.  At the current status the plundering only happens periodically and only in percentages of their already large incomes.  This is why JP Morgan loaned the federal government treasury 100 million dollars back in the 1800's.

The only way this government and society will change is if the producers and everyday workers stop carrying the country.  The middle class everyday Joe and Jane need to revolt by sitting it out until it gets bad enough where the non productive and rich who need workers finally agree to getting back to an effort based reward society with personal choice, freedom and protection of the pursuit of happiness become paramount again.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Texas has the legal right to secede?

Please note that Texas is the only state with a legal right to secede from the Union . (Reference the Texas-American Annexation Treaty of 1848.)

We Texans love y'all, but we'll probably have to take action if Barack Obama wins the election.

1: Barack Hussein Obama is President of the United States, and Texas secedes from the Union in summer of 2013.

2: George W. Bush will become the President of the Republic of Texas . You might not think that he talks too pretty, but we haven't had another terrorist attack, and the economy was fine until the effects of the Democrats lowering the qualifications for home loans came to roost.

So what does Texas have to do to survive as a Republic?

1. NASA is just south of Houston , Texas . We will control the space industry.

2. We refine over 85% of the gasoline in the United States .

3. Defense Industry--we have over 65% of it. The term "Don't mess with Texas," will take on a whole new meaning.

4. Oil - we can supply all the oil that the Republic of Texas will need for the next 300 years. What will the other states do? Gee, we don't know. Why not ask Obama?

5. Natural Gas - again we have all we need, and it's too bad about those Northern States. John Kerry and Al Gore will have to figure out a way to keep them warm....

6. Computer Industry - we lead the nation in producing computer chips and communications equipment -small companies like Texas Instruments, Dell Computer, EDS, Raytheon, National Semiconductor,Motorola, Intel, AMD, Atmel, Applied Materials, Ball Microconductor, Dallas Semiconductor, Nortel, Alcatel, etc, etc. The list goes on and on.

7. Medical Care - We have the research centers for cancer research, the best burn centers and the top trauma units in the world, as well as other large health centers. The Houston Medical Center alone employees over 65,000 people.

8. We have enough colleges to keep us getting smarter: University of
Texas , Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Texas Christian, Rice, SMU, University
of Dallas , University of Houston , Baylor, UNT ( University of North
Texas ), Texas Women's University, etc. Ivy grows better in the South anyway.

9. We have an intelligent and energetic work force, and it isn't restricted by a bunch of unions. Here in Texas , it's a Right toWork State and, therefore, it's every man and women for themselves. We just go out and get the job done. And if we don't like the way one company operates, we get a job somewhere else.

10. We have essential control of the paper, plastics, and insurance industries, etc.

11. In case of a foreign invasion, we have the Texas National Guard, the Texas Air National Guard, and several military bases. We don't have an Army, but since everybody down here has at least six rifles and a pile of ammo, we can raise an Army in 24 hours if we need one. If the situation really gets bad, we can always call the Department of Public Safety and ask them to send over the Texas Rangers.

12. We are totally self-sufficient in beef, poultry, hogs, and several types of grain, fruit and vegetables, and let's not forget seafood from the Gulf. Also, everybody down here knows how to cook them so that they taste good. Don't need any food.

13. Three of the ten largest cities in the United States , and twenty- three of the 100 largest cities in the United States , are located inTexas. And Texas also has more land than California , New York , New Jersey , Connecticut , Delaware , Hawaii , Massachusetts , Maryland , Rhode Island and Vermont combined.

14. Trade: Three of the ten largest ports in the United States are located in Texas .

15. We also manufacture cars down here, but we don't need to. You see, nothing rusts in
Texas, so our vehicles stay beautiful and run well for decades.

Now to the rest of the United States under President Obama: Since you won't have the refineries to get gas for your cars, only President Obama will be able to drive around in his big 5 mpg SUV.The rest of the United States will have to walk or ride bikes.

You won't have any TV as the Space Center in Houston will cut off satellite communications. You won't have any natural gas to heat your homes, but since Mr. Obama has predicted global warming, you will not need the gas as long as you survive the 2000 years it will take to get enough heat from Global Warming.

Author Unknown but much appreciated.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Another Freedom Loss - "We know better than you and will force you to comply movement"

Only two days away from the 9/11 anniversary where, "let freedom ring and America is the greatest place on earth" type of rhetoric was spewed in the name of remembering or "never forget" what happened.  Then out of nowhere we get another freedom of choice taken away.  It may seem trivial on the surface although the depth is so significant people should be in the street protesting.  In NYC you can no longer buy a high caloric soda over 16 oz in size.  This is another step along the path of "we know better than you and will force you to comply movement"

Associated Press states, "New York City also has barred artificial trans fats from restaurant food and taken aggressive steps to discourage smoking. Starting this month, dozens of city hospitals are asking mothers of newborns to listen to talks about why they should breast-feed instead of using formula." 

It is so contradictory to say in one breath that we are the land of the free and the greatest place on earth and in the other breath say you can not have personal choice.  America is the land of the "big contradiction", simply you are free because we say so and those of you who discount this need to do your homework.  This does not happen over night but slowly and methodically until all of a sudden another freedom is gone.  All of this is done in the name of "we know better" and in the "public's best interest" and these are cousins to the famous "because they can afford it" when it comes to stealing from the top producers and money makers.

This new regulation is coming from a city where the crane inspectors where on the take, and due to a lack of appropriate inspection cranes fell on 2nd Ave area killing people.

Do be fair let's take their argument and break it down.  They believe that obese people are victims of the large size soda cup and if they take the cup away then the obese person will automatically stop drinking those extra ounces.  Hmmmm similar to prohibition (yeah that worked and everyone stopped cold turkey) and marijuana bans which is clearly not working.  Okay let's give it a deeper look because phase two of this is related to health care.  They believe that obese people are a burden on the health care system which takes tax dollars to cover the bill.  So this is there thinking, give away badly managed health care and then force people to be healthy by limiting the amount of soda they can buy.

Better idea is to create a system of personal responsibility such as; pay your own health care bills, take care of your own body and live with the consequences of your choices.  As a parent you should lead by example and manage your children's intake of soda and other high fat or caloric foods and drinks.

This is a basic and critical difference in philosophy that spreads to every aspect of life and our freedoms as American's and humans in general.  As an American you are to have the right to your own life which includes how large a soda you would like to have at any given moment.  As a human you have the right to choose the path of your life and you were not born to the collective society that is destined to take care of you.

The purpose of America was to create a place where you could be born as a human irregardless of financial background or color of your skin and choose your life path.  The number one tenant to that being you have to let all others do the same.  What is so hard about this?  Why do "THEY" feel so compelled to control others decisions?  Ask any child learning how to survive and thrive in this world and they will say "that is dumb why can't people decide for themselves?"

I think Bloomberg and the life should use their own wealth and energy to promote their own agendas.  This guys agenda is classic and so contradictory in nature that I don't see how he can remember what his position is.  Check it out on

The great thing about America is you have the right to put together a fund that educates or helps others.  Stop taking away freedom by using your political powers and use your success to educate and empower others.  Force only works temporarily and education lives forever but ultimately the greatest freedom in America is the right to do what you want despite the education you have received.  Oh by the way that is where all the great people and innovations have come from.  An individual believing in the possibility of a different way and seeing it through to greatness despite what others (including the government) believe.

Anything is Possible and Everything Matters especially Freedom of Choice....

Saturday, August 27, 2011

USofA Recommends Launch

The USofA Recommends launch begins

@USofArecommends new twitter account
The Universal School of Achievement, where anything is possible and everything matters. Use these products to live great and achieve your life goals.

These products will also be displayed on the following areas in addition to being release via. twitter tweets. Also connect with The USofA regarding any consulting or achievement planning you may have.

The USofA will be adding many products over the next weeks that will relate to many categories.

Two specific niches will be the survival, preparedness and protection and security

Others current categories/niches are business & finance and Activities, Sports & Hobbies

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Another example on another Gov web site. This time HUD...

Another perfect example of the vehement backing of a program that has personal agenda all over it.  This article was written by the HUB Public Affairs Dept. 

Housing Choice Vouchers: Empowering Families to Prosper

A key paragraph from the article/opinion piece reads "HUD and the Obama Administration believe that every American deserves to live in a safe neighborhood, free from fear of crime.  And we stand by our partners at the local level who are on the front lines of creating and maintaining safe communities – state and local governments, property owners, neighbors, and public housing authorities.   But unsubstantiated accusations like those in Bovard’s opinion piece undermine efforts at the state, local, and federal level to identify and root out the true causes of crime in our neighborhoods – and ignore the data that time and again disprove such accusations."

Then read the responses below that and see what comments are made regarding the oversight and the coordination between the HUD organization and the local entities.  Also notice who the real aggressors are.

Point still being is that the government is funded by all of us and fighting for their personal agendas and taking sides to promote and defend.  This is not the role of government.  Period... 

You have to see this.. DOJ Government Web site Funding the enemy!

Using the stage of the federal government to advance the personal agendas.  Many Government sites as well as twitter updates from Government sites are basically taking sides on issues.  This is really, really wrong and has come to a head with the latest on the DOJ site.  This is a clear example of the root problem that using any and all resources to promote a personal agenda is OK because "we know better".  This has gone on for a long time but it seems to be so blatant and in our face as if they have no fear because they know there will be no consequences. 

Why does this matter?  This matters because all of our tax dollars go to funding these sites so citizens have access. As you will see in the mission statement below this is to be an unbiased fair to all system, but then they put an oped advertisement up defending something that we all in this country do not agree on.  They are effectively taking a side and making it obvious that they are doing so.  In a free country you should not have to pay to fund your enemy, be it Ford funding GMC or you funding the opinion of the President through use of government funded sites.  The government basically has unlimited resources, avenues and coercive powers because of it's nature and under no circumstances should it be allowed to pick sides and uses tax payer money to promote on side or the other. 

Mission Statement taken from the Department of Justice web site.  

OUR MISSION STATEMENT -- To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.

Also on the DOJ web site is a link in nice big text stating DEFENDING THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT.  When you hit the link it takes you to a page that has this info.

This is their main heading introduction and it is completely fact less and opinion based. 

"The Affordable Care Act was enacted on March 23, 2010. This comprehensive health care reform law makes health insurance affordable for millions of Americans and protects them against potentially catastrophic medical expenses. This law has become the subject of several lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the provision requiring Americans who can afford it to maintain basic health insurance coverage. The Department is vigorously defending the law in these cases."

WE must defend the core base principals that the government does not use your money and it's power to push, promote or denounce individual businesses, movements and personal agendas or opinions.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Focus on what will happen and what will be done to get where we need to be.  Know that freedom of choice and the protection of that freedom is paramount.  Individuals with the freedom to pursue their goals, live their lives and protect themselves to make sure all stay free is the right and absolute way to live as an individual and the only way to build a society. 

The alternative is so frightening and wrong that it never seemed possible we would be where we are as a country.  Being trapped in our pursuits and blind to what has been happening has caused this and now we have to focus and fix it.  Things I hear like;  A bill that will allow the government to break up and sell companies that are to big to fail, a bill that will force people to pay for things that they do not want or believe in, a bill that will force individuals to pay for things that feed their competition and enemies, a bill that puts the "greater good" above all individuals, a bill that says take from the rich/producers/achievers because they can afford it, all of these are not out there but are happening now and will be funded by you.  You will fund the demise unless you act. 

Post the things that will inform, empower and protect peoples individual journeys.  How dare they think it's OK to take a persons life from them and tell them what is right or wrong for them.  We are born to live and learn to be better and greater that we were the second, minute, day, year and life before.

YOU MUST BELIEVE IN WHAT IS POSSIBLE AND INTEND TO PURSUE IT AND NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO STOP YOU.  That is what this country was founded on and it is what relates directly with the human spirit and soul.  It is natural and right and must be preserved and cherished above all things.